What is Hair Mesotherapy?
Hair consists of hair follicles and hair shafts, which are alive and allow hair to grow. The hair follicle is located in the lower layers of the skin.
Conditions such as seasonal factors, hormonal factors, environmental factors, post-pregnancy, post-stress, vitamin deficiencies, chemical dye exposure and nutritional disorders can cause hair loss. After the scalp examination and laboratory tests, with the appliance of specific treatment protocol determined for hair loss, the hair becomes stronger and the hair loss stops.
With the application, the density and thickness of the hair is increased.
For hair strengthening, hair mesotherapy and Skin Rejuvenation Therapy are applied on scalp separately or in combination. In hair mesotherapy, mixtures pre-prepared or prepared according to the needs of the patient are injected into the scalp. In Skin Rejuvenation Therapy, approximately 10-15 cc of blood taken from the patient to special tubes is centrifuged, the platelet-rich part is separated and injected into the scalp.
Pre-prepared / personalized mesotherapy mixtures or Skin Rejuvenation Therapy are applied into the scalp with micro-injection technique without requiring any anesthesia. The process takes about 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, return to the daily life is immediate. The treatment protocol and the number of sessions are determined individually. The average number of treatment sessions is 6 and the session intervals are once every 10-15 days. The effect of the treatment begins to be seen after the 2nd session.